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Maizan Aza bin Mohamed Yusop
Environmental Manager of Monin Asia KL Sdn Bhd (2009 - 2021)
My team and I worked with Monin Asia KL, the well known premium syrup originated in Bourges, France. And of course dealing with the wastewater with under capacity wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and lack of knowledge and experience is always a nightmare. Then, we were introduced to OiEau back in 2013. But it was a mistake ! A big mistake not to know OiEau earlier !! We should be introduced to OiEau earlier than that, so there will be no deterioration happening to our WWTP. But it is never too late to improve the system, especially with OiEau in charge. In a good hand, even the bacteria has to bow to them ! Knowing the problem is the key, solving the problem is the way, preparing the facilities is a must, and providing training is the sustainable approach they practiced with me and my team in Monin last time. The trainer of OiEau taught us willingly just to improve the situation without any hesitation. And that is why we called this a partnership, because we create a great connection and understanding to a sustainable protected environment.
It is always a good memory to be remembered when you do not know them, but they readily squeezed themselves to provide for our needs without any objection.
Trillion thanks goes to the trainer and water specialist appointed by OiEau, for his continuous support and knowledge sharing.
4 mai 2022